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Author Topic: I'm stoked!!  (Read 5966 times)
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« on: February 11, 2011, 08:28:00 PM »

Just got notification that my HRM 50 Kit shipped today. Chair Dance

I'm so stoked to start building. I have a good bit of electronic experience. So even though this is my first amp build, I feel pretty confident in my abilities. That doesn't mean I won't need some help now and then. Especially when it comes time to setup. I hope some of you are up for some questions.  Wink

I own a 4 channel 100Mhz Tektronix O-scope. I Don't know how much it will really be needed, but it might come in handy.

I've been reading, studying layouts, and looking and listening at/to video and audo clips all week. Seem like that is pretty much par for the course when buying these things. Tongue


Ceriatone HRM 50
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« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 09:49:11 PM »

Just curious how long ago did you place order. I know the prebuilt amps can take a couple months to ship but havent heard how long the kits take to ship.
Im planning on ordering the OTS HRM 100W Kit very soon.

Todd W

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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2011, 12:57:29 AM »

Nice Amp....
You will not be "needing" that scope, but it is a good tool to have.
Fortunately, Nik has A Lot of pictures of completed amps. Just follow his lead and you will be fine. He and his employees are VERY good at assembly. Do not stress if your chassis does not look quite as nice (if it does, GREAT), just follow his lead dress and lay-out. Keep wires as short as you can, follow the pictures for heater and ground connections.
Do not cut your Brown and Blue OT wires until you are sure where they go. Amps with NFB or Presence will squeal real bad if you have those plate wires crossed. There is really no way to know without connecting them to the tube sockets and turning on the amp. If you have them wrong, you will know. I even use roach clips to make a temp connection until I am sure I have them on the right tubes. Once you are sure, you can cut the wires to proper length.
Do not be afraid to trash a few resistors and capacitors if you make a mistake. It is better to stop and get a new part than to use something that got bent too many times or scorched with the iron (including wire). Just make sure that anything that gets soldered into place is in good shape. You know what I mean.....
Good Luck
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« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2011, 03:19:27 AM »

Just curious how long ago did you place order. I know the prebuilt amps can take a couple months to ship but havent heard how long the kits take to ship.
Im planning on ordering the OTS HRM 100W Kit very soon.

Todd W
I ordered this past Monday Feb, 7.
Nik said since it was a kit it would just take a couple days. Which it did! With all the great things said on this site about Nik & Ceiratone, I was feeling pretty good about everything, but you know there's always that concern about how long it would take. We gear junkies tend to be rather impatient when it comes to waiting for our toys. Wink

So, it seems that the wait time is pretty good for kits right now. Go order it. Grin


Ceriatone HRM 50
w/self built Dumblelator
Avatar 2X12 w/WGS ET-65 & Veteran 30
TC Electronic 2290
2001 PRS McCarty
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« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2011, 04:02:23 AM »

Thanks hired hand for the info.

I downloaded all the photos from the site and have been going over them along with the layout diagram. But it's hard to completely get a feel for it until I get it on the bench and see it in 3D. I'm planning on taking my time and do a little bit each night. That's the plan anyway. Wink I won't have the head cabinet ready for a little while and as it stands right now I'll be using a 1X12 speaker cab with a Vintage 30. This isn't ideal, but until I build or buy a 2X12 cabinet that's what I'll be using. I haven't decided what speakers I'll be going with yet.



Ceriatone HRM 50
w/self built Dumblelator
Avatar 2X12 w/WGS ET-65 & Veteran 30
TC Electronic 2290
2001 PRS McCarty
2010 PRS 513 Swamp Ash
Tacoma JK50C
Seagull S12+
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