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Author Topic: Help KIT Question?????  (Read 5347 times)
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« on: October 30, 2009, 11:46:34 AM »

Do all the kits include the accessories?  Switches? jacks? pots? fuse holders? etc....  I'm interested in buying the 2204
kit without the transformers, but don't want to buy all of the other stuff seperately from somewhere else.  Thanks for your

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« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2009, 03:16:06 PM »

Yes, all those things are included. Package 1 will include everything to build a complete working amp except the transformers, tubes and cab.
     I must add, Nik is the best customer service on the planet!
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« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2009, 04:03:05 PM »

Cool!  Thanks Grod!
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« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2009, 10:44:14 PM »

Yes, all those things are included. Package 1 will include everything to build a complete working amp except the transformers, tubes and cab.
     I must add, Nik is the best customer service on the planet!

I have to add that Nik will help even in things that are beyond the amp sell. No customer service on earth could ever get close to his attentions. Kudos to Nik!
I recently purchased a VVR kit from Dana, and have to be honest, Nik is the one that has guided me all the way. No cons to Dana (I'm a complete ingnorant on electric matters), but you can tell the difference.
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« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2009, 12:23:48 AM »

Yes, I have to agree.  Nik is a very helpful guy, hard to believer it is always him alone.   Makes you think he must have staff(like a movie star) that answers all his mail for him.  If you stop to think about what he has done with Ceriatone, it is pretty amazing.  Even if he had stayed with the Fender, Marshall, Hiwatt amps (stuff with a schematic available) I would still be duly impressed.  I do not think people realize how hard it is to build all those amp "prototypes" (in a sense), make sure they all work correctly, and then put them into production while assuring the quality and tone do not suffer.   Stop for a minute and count the number of Fender and Marshall clones he has on the market, and they all work without fail.
But then he got into the more proprietary chassis' like Matchless, Dumble, TrainWreck, etc.  That must have been hard to do.   I am not in any way, taking anything away from, Mr. Sampson, Dumble, or Fischer.   Those guys did what they did and should be recognized for their talent and genius as the original creators of some very important (and iconic) guitar amplifiers.  Nik has done something very different, but also quite impressive.   He MUST have some type of engineering degree(s).  Does anybody know his story, background, biography?  Does he have a collaborator, or assistant of some type?
Thank You
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