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Author Topic: Experimenting w/Tubes in JTM-45??  (Read 6009 times)
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« on: November 26, 2012, 05:33:35 AM »

I just bought my 1st Ceriatone (JTM-45), have not received it yet but was wondering if and how I may experiment with different tubes? Is that going to be possible? I have used Marshall amps w/EL34 tubes and really liked the sounds I was able to get, I have used 6L6 is other amps (old Bassman) and liked that as well-
I was just wondering if I will be able to experiment once I get my JTM-45 amp that will come stock w/KT66 tubes. I am not an EE, or an amp tech so I do not know how one would change bias on this amp.
I am just a guitar player that was not willing to spend 1600 bucks for a Marshall JTM-45 reissue when I could get a much better amp for under 1000;-)

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« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2012, 03:17:57 AM »

Hey great choice.
Rolling tubes is always fun. In my opinion the kt66's are THE tube for that amp.
Just love them with that circuit.  Pair it with some sweet alnico speakers and you have tone that can do great cleans and out of this world od.

Enjoy but let us know which bottles YOU end up liking.

What type of cab and speakers are you going to pair it up with?
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« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2012, 04:57:33 AM »

Hello, thanks-
Speakers?...to start off probably a 2x12 of some sort- I think I will try Celestion speakers, I was thinking about trying basic 25Watt greenbacks in a closed cab- then later I want to get a Marshall 4x12 (1960AX) with the 25W greenbacks, I cannot afford a vintage cab, something current but not brand new.
Probably a 2x12 to start off because I am broke now that I bought the amp!

WHat speaker would you use in a 2x12 closed or open?
I liek the tones of Jeff Beck, Larry Carlton, Steve Morse...and of course, Jimi Hendrix;-) I am old but I still like it loud.

I know the KT66 is the real tube for a JTM and that is how the amp will be for a long time, some day I will want to experiment just because I am a big Jeff Beck fan and I read an article where his amp tech said he changed his JTM tubes to EL34's so I was thinking about trying that....some day;-) not in a hurry anyway- I am sure I will be happy with the KT66......my other amp is only a BillM modified Blues Junior so this will be a big upgrade.-
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« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2012, 01:27:17 AM »

EL34's would be a curiosity mostly- The statement i made about Jeff Beck's sound was sort of stupid, I know his specific sound is 90% because of his style but that foundation tone is one I would like to try- later- some day- like after I learn a lot more about amps-
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« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2012, 04:55:37 AM »

I think el's would sound great as well, I just ended up with the kt's they seem to really bring out the best in my guitars.
If you end up using the greenbacks you"ll be using the amp and speaker combination that has shaped rock, rock/ blues etc... Can't go wrong. 

I always end up with closed back cab's for my Marshall type sound and open with my Fenders, although closed with a Bassman type sounds cool.

Even have one that's a convertable, but always end up with what I described, tried and true!

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