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Author Topic: Dreaded UPS "Exception"  (Read 9520 times)
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« on: June 11, 2010, 06:16:16 PM »

Hi all,  On vacation this week and luckily got the shipping notification from Nik.  Watching the tracking of my OTS and Klein-ulator from Mylasia and they made it to Knoxville TN then went to Alaska and back to Knoxville TN.  Now tracking says "Exception" Left in UPS Facility".  I also noticed the shipping weight for each package is only 0.5 Kg.
Woops! I hope they make it to me soon.  Anyone else have this happen?  Dan
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 09:38:23 PM »

I received a 5X3 yesterday. The UPS tracking included 2 flight cancelations, several messages regarding "additional customs," "submitting" and "registering" with "clearing agency," and inexplicable bouncing between Louisville and Anchorage. Throughout tracking, weight showed 1 kg.

At the first flight cancelation, status changed from "on time" to "in transit", but it arrived on time without incident.

I haven't seen "exception." Is that the "Status," or does it appear in the tracking log? Also, what was your order turnaround? Mine was 40 days.
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« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2010, 02:09:17 AM »

I ordered the OTS on April 29th and I expected an 8 week wait.  It was a surprise to hear it shipped on June 9. I have had some bad experiences with UPS lately.  Status changed in the log from In transit to exception which could mean just about anything from lost to weather.  I will have to take time from work to receive it now, that is after I find out where it is and when it's coming.  Message does say "Left at a UPS facility"  Can't wait to get it.  Having my cab made by Swanson Cabinets in Beverly Ma.  That is just about ready too. Dan
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2010, 06:05:03 AM »

Okay, I'm trying to determine if there is any correlation to "build complexity" and turnaround time. Obviously NOT! Your order is like 5 times my 5X3 complexity, and it looks like we're within 3 days of each other. I ordered May 1.

Anyway, I bet your amp just got bumped or something, and I doubt your delayed more than a day if that. Thanks, and good luck!

p.s. My 5X3 kicks serious "A"!
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« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2010, 09:27:25 PM »

The OTS and Klein-ulator arrived today (Saturday) even though tracking at UPS stated a delivery date of Monday day after tomorrow.  Expertly packed and arrived in great shape after stops in China, Taiwan, Phillipines, Knoxville, Alaska, then back to Knoxville, and finally to Warwick RI.  Very happy.  Tubes will be here in a few days.
40 days order to door - Thanks Nik and the gang at Ceriatone!
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« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2010, 10:08:40 PM »


Great to hear!

On UPS - dont pay much mind to the system status. Sometimes, they say something serious like Exception, then the box appears at the door.

Usually, it's 2-4 days to USA.

For future, if anything, just email us. We can sort it out by calling UPS here, and they will liaise with the local UPS.

Our packages go by system default, thats why it says 0.5kg. We have been advised not to put the actual weigt, and just go with system default. UPS is supposed to fill that up (automatically) at their facility, but I guess not.


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« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2010, 11:46:48 AM »

I guess I am not going to order much through UPS. Their shipment table is just unbelievable.
15,0 kg to Austria is $202, shipping the same to Slovenia or Croatia is $417. Slovenia is neighboring country to Austria and both are in European Union.
DHL on the other hand has the same shipping quote for Austria, Slovenia and Croatia and goes for $352. That's a lot.
What happened to EMS, their service was very good and quite affordable?

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