this is the second clip of the HRM i have heard this week and i am just
knocked out by the tone. great, great blues tone amp.
this will be my next ceriatone kit. [already have a ceriatone 50wt plexi]
MCINKU, what tubes are in it? what speakers are you using in the clip?
cabs? etc..........
2 home build open back cabs - Fender style (same dimensions as DRRI)
in on cab I'm using Celestion Gold - grat speaker for bluesmaster OTS
the other cab is loaded with G12-65
I use JJ tubes in this amp - if JJ tubes are good enough for Robben Ford, who am I to complain

I used trannies provided by my local amp tech (his design)
the rest is standard Ceriatone kit - I think I changed one baypass cap value
on that clip I used Klein with TC Vintage delay and Boss RV5 in the loop
thats more or less everything