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Author Topic: Ceriatone Amp Questions  (Read 11801 times)
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« on: March 27, 2011, 01:16:14 PM »

Hello Good people!

newbie Bryan here..

never tried a ceriatone before and would like your opinions between the Dizzy30, StrayCat 30 and Overtone 50 and Overtone HRM..all in head units, do you think ill get more bang for the buck lets say between a bugera bc30, bugera 6260 or Egnater Tweaker?

I already got my tax return and would like an amp that had more versatility in it, i know i wouldnt get the bugera 6260 since its 120watts..thats too loud for my needs, the  bugera bc30 doesnt come in a head only..

any info would really help..i've done some harmony central reading as well..

Thanks all!

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« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 05:19:21 PM »

All I can say is, I don't think I've seen better bang for the buck than Ceriatone amps. Are you planning on getting a kit or already built? Either way it's a great deal.

What type of music do you play? I am just recently getting familiar with the Overtone HRM 50 and I am continually floored by the amount of tones I can get. Just last night I had a great country semi-clean going. And then turn around and have great distortion from Hendrix Marshall to more singing lead and then back to some clean blues.


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« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 09:42:27 PM »

Just like Soundperf said the OTS is capable of alot of differnt styles. I put my BOSS metal zone in front of the clean channell and its the best ive ever heard the pedal sound, the clean channel is so clean and sparkly it goes well with all the dirt pedals. I only have tried the K-lator so far with time effects and its a necessity for REVERB, DELAY and CHORUS to work well with this amp but that will be mentioned 1000 times before purchase so need not judge the amp until played with this equipment, even though I loved the sound with nothing but my guitar plugged in the *Lator is a must as well!
C lator coming soon although at the RF show last night he seems to be getting by without his Dumbleator Huh?

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« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2011, 03:48:18 AM »

All I can say is, I don't think I've seen better bang for the buck than Ceriatone amps. Are you planning on getting a kit or already built? Either way it's a great deal.

What type of music do you play? I am just recently getting familiar with the Overtone HRM 50 and I am continually floored by the amount of tones I can get. Just last night I had a great country semi-clean going. And then turn around and have great distortion from Hendrix Marshall to more singing lead and then back to some clean blues.

im planning on the one that's ready built. my influences vary from rock, hardrock, fusion, smooth jazz..

my soundclick: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=850899

but yes i would like an Amp that is flexible that i dont need to even GAS(haha i know its impossible) for another amp..

call me noob about ceriatone but the OTS and HRM are clones of which amps?

Baker B1+,Suhr Modern,David Bunker Treker,
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« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2011, 04:23:10 AM »

call me noob about ceriatone but the OTS and HRM are clones of which amps?
They are clones of a Dumble Overdrive Special. The HRM is a version that has a tonestack after the overdrive and can be switched in and out. The HRM is suppose to stand for Hot Rubber Monkey or what makes sense to me is Hot Rod Marshall. Are you familiar with the Dumble history/legacy? It's pretty intricate and hard to go over in a few paragraphs. Do some googling and check out http://ampgarage.com/forum/

I listened to some of your stuff. Very nice playing and production. Out of the amps you mentioned, I would say the OTS and possibly the HRM would be the most versatile. I think my GAS has been stayed for a bit.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 04:28:02 AM by SoundPerf » Logged


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« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2011, 11:01:03 AM »

call me noob about ceriatone but the OTS and HRM are clones of which amps?
They are clones of a Dumble Overdrive Special. The HRM is a version that has a tonestack after the overdrive and can be switched in and out. The HRM is suppose to stand for Hot Rubber Monkey or what makes sense to me is Hot Rod Marshall. Are you familiar with the Dumble history/legacy? It's pretty intricate and hard to go over in a few paragraphs. Do some googling and check out http://ampgarage.com/forum/

I listened to some of your stuff. Very nice playing and production. Out of the amps you mentioned, I would say the OTS and possibly the HRM would be the most versatile. I think my GAS has been stayed for a bit.

sweet! that narrow downs my options

i made some searches on dumble and saw some youtube vids some were pretty good but i find this other video odd with henry kaiser..i dont know where to start with his demo

thank you!

Baker B1+,Suhr Modern,David Bunker Treker,
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« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2011, 01:25:10 PM »

Hey Brian
Just heard a couple of your songs and they sound good! What amp/gear did you record those with? Certainly sounds better than any Bugera I've heard. Ya got some Paul giilbertish licks going in the katy perry rape song.
Like Soundperf said the OTS is probably the way to go. There are a few versions of the amp that are all described throughout this forum, so make sure and do the research.
I brought my OTS to my local music store the other day and Larry the owner played it for a little while. He knows amps and was completely blown away with the sound!
The only bad reviews I've read on these amps are from people that think because the company is in Malaysia quality will suffer and stuff like that. I can honestly say that is BS.
Hope this all helps.
As far as getting an amp that will be your end all last amp ever bought, I dont believe one exists. Each amp fits its purpose. I am already GASsing for a Marshall clone to run dual amp with my OTS.
Some get the non HRM than GAS for the HRM so they get both and vice versa.
Oh and then there are Trainwreck clones, so much stuff and I want it all..

Good luck

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« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2011, 06:44:04 AM »

@T Wilcox

for that song, i know you dont want me to say bugera, but yes thats a bugera V22, the mic is a senheiser e609.

im still learning guitar or what i think is the guitar.

OTS is in my sights, i know there are just alot of good gear out there, and wish i could try all those nice amps from ceriatone so i have to pick One that will be versatile enough as a work horse amp. Thank you for your review and insights, if your music store friend was happy with what he hears thats good enough

Thanks man!

Baker B1+,Suhr Modern,David Bunker Treker,
Ibanez USARG30, 1608, RX240, RX60, RT150, 2020X, 1572,GRX720
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« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2011, 07:41:23 PM »

I have never even heard a Bugera played, only checked out the aestetics at GC and was not impressed with the quality. ( plastic knobs, fake chrome ). I did have a conversation with someone about how they used pretty cheap material for parts so to make it affordable to normal guitar players that aint rich.
After long enough any amp I own will look like crap from being moved banged and beatup. What really matters is how it sounds and like I said that sounded good for what it is.
The biggest complaint I have heard on the Bugera's is the durability. If its for home studio recording that shouldnt be an issue since it should stay put.

Either way you will like the OTS.


Plexi bass 1986 ( build #6 )
Ceriatone Ultra Champ ( build #5 )
TW Express clone ( build #4 )
Ceriatone HRM MK2 ( build #3 )
Ceriatone 2550  ( Build #2 )
Ceriatone OTS FM50 Modern Eagle Mod (Build #1)
EBMM Steve Morse original
50th anniv American Strat
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