I've had both 50's style and Modern Style with treble bleed caps, and dependent and independent volumes on both my 76 custom LP (which i no longer have) and my new epi lp standard (with Bareknuckle emerald pickups) all have their strengths and weaknesses. So far, I like Modern Wiring with treble bleeds and dependent volumes the best on both LP's. I'm installing the LP toneshaper this week, so i can readily do some a/b tests pretty quickly back to back so i can see if it just my ears playing tricks and hearing what i want to hear or not

@72 SG I'm thinking that what Kitartist is talking about is parallel, as most older amps (and newer amps) had (and have) parallel speaker outs, so when wiring a cab it should sound "better" in parallel. I am partial to parallel speaker wiring myself, but it's all subjective anyway, right?
