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Author Topic: Running a piezo and regular PUP output through the 2 channels?  (Read 4675 times)
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« on: November 07, 2011, 05:50:28 AM »

Hi guys,
I am sitting here in Jakarta 2 days away from my DC30 arriving, had Nik ship it to Douglas Eaton in Bali who has built me a head cabinet and a separate 2x12 speaker cab for maximum flexibility. Even at 40+ it feels like Xmas Day is close...been a long wait but I am sure will be worth it.
Anyway..I saw in an old thread someone talking about blending output from a piezo and a regular PUP through the 2 channels on a DC30. I sometimes use a Parker with dual output but always ran the piezo either through the PA or though a keyboard amp. I just wonder if other people are doing this and can you get a decent sound like this, as I have always believed piezos sound crap through a guitar amp? I would try this at home but the amp aint here and curious. I was close to canabalising an old Trace Elliott combo I have here, replacing the amp with a keyboard amp and keeping the speaker/cab, but that obviously means lugging 2 amps to every gig (often I cant run the piezo through the PA as we often get given crappy PAs with not enough channels to support everyone..)
All feedback gratefully received 

DC30 with 2x12 Weber cab, kudos to Nik and Doug in Bali
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« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 09:03:32 PM »

Hi there. I guess you've probably given up on this post being replied to but here goes.  I have a Godin LGX which has three outputs. One normal, one for the piezo only and one that can be used to blend the two.  I used the standard connection into channel one and used the blended output into the second channel.  I set the controls on the guitar so there's no piezo being blended with the normal pickup signal.  In other words I have two outputs directly from the guitar which are exactly the same.  It saved me having to buy/build an A/B box!!
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« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 12:14:28 PM »

Thanks for this. I have also come up with a solution for my gigs, I am now playing an Epi LP with piezo, and I run the piezo into the low gain input in channel 1, and the output from the regular pups through my pedals into the high gain input in channel 1, and then my Tele which is set up with Keef tuning into channel 2. So with the LP I have huge choice of tones, from almost acoustic (piezo only) to all my different tones from the FX/regular pups, to mixing the two, OR I put that down and pick up the Tele and play the open G tuning with minimal down time.
I also put an EQ pedal into the loop of channel 1. I will do same for channel 2 once I get another  cable made.

I next will add a switch as per yours so I can quickly flick between piezo/regular/mix without having to mess with the volume pots.

I just wish I had more time to really tweak the tones, but hey thats life.


Hi there. I guess you've probably given up on this post being replied to but here goes.  I have a Godin LGX which has three outputs. One normal, one for the piezo only and one that can be used to blend the two.  I used the standard connection into channel one and used the blended output into the second channel.  I set the controls on the guitar so there's no piezo being blended with the normal pickup signal.  In other words I have two outputs directly from the guitar which are exactly the same.  It saved me having to buy/build an A/B box!!

DC30 with 2x12 Weber cab, kudos to Nik and Doug in Bali
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