It is an amazing amp...I have one too. Love the cab looks fantastic.
The stock trannies are incredible. I wouldn't change Nik's transformers either. This amp is incredible.
Try an Alnico Blue Celestion and G12H30 (both 8ohm) wired in series at 16ohm for the most amazing sounds you have ever heard...simply breathtaking! Really!
Enjoy it... You'll be GASing for more amps soon. You are now infected with the Gear Aquisition Syndrome.!!!!
Right now I'm using a Weber Blue Dog and Silver Bell with this amp. Works great. I'm very happy with the pairing.
Re: GAS. Oh God, I hope not! I get GAS every year or so, and after a lot of screwing around with other amps I decided to somehow, someway find a way to buy the amp I've wanted since '92 -- a Matchless DC30. Then I found Ceriatone. Anyway, I'm hoping this relieves me of GAS for quite a bit longer than usual so I can stop worrying about gear and put any such energies into actually playing!
