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Author Topic: New DC30 Schematics  (Read 12575 times)
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« on: August 07, 2009, 08:08:25 AM »


I'm a Muchle$$ DC30 owner and have drawn up some schematics. They include a few mods I have done. I'm happy to share them but take no responsibility for their accuracy:


DISCLAIMER: These schematics were drawn for my own use. I am not in any way responsible for any misuse or misadventure arising from their use by any other person.



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« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2009, 08:40:27 AM »

Thats very good of you to share these. I wonder if you'd mind describing how the overall tone has changed after the mods. How does the Pentode/Triode switching affect the tone. Every other amp I've tried with this facility has suffered. You cite Kevin O'Connor in relation to the screen resistors, (M5 Power Amp schematic), is this mod designed to assist the Pentode/triode switching?

And have you experienced any microphonics problems with the the EF86?. I cured it with a NOS Mullard, but I'd be interested to know of other solutions.


Hywel Harris
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« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2009, 11:30:08 PM »

The Pentode/Triode switch is a great mod for low-volume gigs. A much rounder tone and distortion at lower volumes. Only drawback is an increase in hum. Make sure you turn the standby on when you flick the switch!

Kevin O'Connor suggests increasing the EL84 screen resistors to protect the tubes. They also tend to make the amp exhibit its "loud" characteristics at quieter volumes. I may actually change these back to something lower, perhaps 330K or 470K.

The mod to the "Cut" control capacitor is pretty necessary, IMHO.

The mods to the EF86 plate resistor, and to the resistor  directly before the effects insert on the 12ax7 channel were done to bring the two channels more into line volume-wise. Increasing that 12ax7 resistor also has the effect of increasing headroom in the 12ax7 channel, as the 2nd stage does not have to be driven so hard for the same perceived loudness. I may change the EF86 plate resistor back to its original value now that the 12ax7 channel is louder.

The EF86 is an RFT, which sounds good and has low microphonics, even though The Tube Store doesn't recommend them for Matchless. I tried a NOS Mullard but it was noisy - maybe I'll try to find another.

When I first got the amp, while I loved the tone, it was very bright and tight. While these mods have had some impact on the tone, I've also changed one of the speakers for a Tone Tubby, and both the TT and the original Celestion have mellowed nicely over the last year or so. It took a while to get to know the amp's capabilities. I'm now using it without any pedals whatsoever, just use the guitar's volume control to go from clean to overdrive with the appropriate combination of HI/LO and Pentode/Triode settings to suit the gig.

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« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2009, 08:37:29 AM »

Thanks a lot for all that info. As I've got an SB powerscaling kit on my DC I the Pent/Triode switching is probably not necessary, however increasing the clean headroom on the clean channel would be very worthwhile.

Most of the mods you've done seem to be aimed at taming an overly bright amp, clipping the volume bypass caps and the tone switch cap, plus giving the cut control a bigger cap. I'm running mine with a single g12-65 and whilst its bright its not overly so. I might well experiment with some different cap values maybe on a DPDT switch.

Can you attribute any difference in tone to the Sozo's?

I had a unique opportunity to hear my amp played by someone else the other week. I went to see a Free cover band whos' guitarist was the amp tech who fitted my powerscaling. Anyway his amp, a plexi style 50watter,  packed up after 3 songs (he did admit he'd done a whole load of mods very late on in the day) so I voluntered to fetch my DC as the alternative was a bass amp! He played it almost maxed and it did sound sweet but very definitely a small amp being driven hard compared to the plexi which was quite a lot louder and had loads more headroom.
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« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2009, 07:47:18 PM »

Hard to say about the SOZOs. I just wanted to try them to see what the fuss was about, plus I was in a tinkering mood and they weren't overly expensive. Perhaps if you were building an amp from scratch and went SOZO all the way there would be a more appreciable benefit.

You're right about wanting to tame the top end. That's partly because my playing style is very bright, and I got sick of the top-end fizz of so many amps in the 80s and 90s. Now that the speakers have mellowed things are much more balanced, and I may even reinstall the bright caps, though maybe a lower value.

Because of this mellowing - and maybe because of the power tube screen resistor change - the last few gigs I've done have all been HI power, pentode mode. Whereas previously the amp seemed screamingly loud before I got any breakup, now it's just right - roll back the guitar volume, or pick softer and you're clean; pick harder or turn up and you're dirty. It takes discipline but it's worth it.
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« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2009, 07:58:55 PM »

wow ! lot of stuff there! can you please explain the pentode/triode switch option? I did not get much from the diagram, but by your comment interest me a lot!
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« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2009, 08:58:07 AM »

wow ! lot of stuff there! can you please explain the pentode/triode switch option? I did not get much from the diagram, but by your comment interest me a lot!

Probably best if you Google it to get the general theory. It's a very simple mod that switches the pentode EL84 valves to run in triode mode, thereby producing less power and a rounder tone. Some say it's great, some say it's a heap of old toss.
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« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2009, 11:00:27 PM »

ok thanks... I'll check it out...
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« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2009, 11:15:44 PM »

Oh wow I did.. it did not took me long to find many people does not recommend that mod.... interest dismissed I would say!
thanks for sharing, thou...
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« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2009, 06:47:28 PM »

hey, so i check out your mods to the schematic and read up what you had to say, but i still wonder two things. first, it looks like you were doing mods in search of a thicker/rounder/warmer/lower sound, did this all work out for you if i am correct? if not what was your goal in doing so? secondly, do you have any sound clips or videos after these mods?
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« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2009, 01:39:43 AM »

I was going for a "rounder" sound at lower volume. The addition of the Tone Tubby speaker, and the way the original Celestion has mellowed over the last year or so has certainly helped.

Apart from the triode/pentode switch, the mods are fairly minor and are geared towards giving me a little more versatility depending on the gig. I usually run the amp in pentode mode, half power. If I need more clean sound I switch to full power. Triode mode is useful for quieter gigs where I need a little mellow crunch at low volume.

And - hey! - it's fun to fiddle around and see what happens!
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« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2009, 10:08:00 PM »

alright thanks, i might try snipping the bright caps, i have nothing but bright guitars so the rigs a little harsh sometimes. i definitely need to get the 150k resistor to swap before the effects loop as well, the uneven volume level bugs the crap out of me, even though it isn't drastic.
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