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Author Topic: My impressions - Used my new Ceriatone DC30 with the band last night  (Read 6783 times)
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« on: July 25, 2008, 01:20:10 PM »

Hello to the forum,

My bandmates were laughing their asses off when I walked in with the amp sitting on top of a piece of wood - I just set it on top of my Mesa Maverick and plugged in the Maverick's speakers, a pair of Celestion Vintage 30's I put in there a while ago wired for 8 OHM's.

I am using Electro Harmoix 12ax7 golds and EF86 with Electro Harmonix EL84's, and a pair of 5V4 rectifiers.  Using the EH as a reference before I switch to anything exotic...

I am running a VanAmps Sole-Mate spring reverb in effects loop 1, nothing in effects loop 2

My pedalboard consists of the following path:

Analogman NKT275 Sunface --->  Peterson Strobostomp ---->  Teese RMC3  wah ----> Fulltone Deja Vive ----->  EH nano Small Stone ----->  Fulltone Full Drive 2 ----->  Analogman modded Tube Driver ---->  homemade a/b box -----> both inputs on the DC30

From the first note, the band was totally blown away.  My guitar actually seemed easier to play for some reason.  I have never heard my wah pedal sound so good.  I even tried an old Buddah Wah and it sounded great.

I cannot believe how incredibly loud this amplifier is.  It can peel paint.  I never took it off of low power.  I also never tried the master volume.  It is very sensitive to guitar volume knob adjustment, just like the real thing.  In fact, this thing somehow made me play better than I have in a long time.  Nik was great.  Can't wait to order that *umble...

Nobody was laughing at the end, and get this:  My bandmates helped me carry my stuff out!

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« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2008, 01:37:41 AM »

That is great!  It sure is a loud 15 watts right!  I have been seriously thinking about picking up one of those VanAmps reverbs.  It gets the job done?
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« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 09:05:58 PM »

I gigged with mine this weekend.  It availed itself wonderfully.  It was an outdoor gig so I got to wind it up like the tone gods intended.  Man, what a nice sound!  I did have a brief scare when the pilot light didn't come on when I first flipped on the amp!  Turned out that the lamp bulb wasn't properly latched in the socket and had worked itself loose on the drive over to the club.  Once I put it in right, all was well.

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« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2008, 05:11:58 AM »

Hi wurlwynd,

Thanks for the review; I appreciate it. I like my Ceriatone DC-30, too. I describe the tone as "3D" because it is so harmonically full and rich. I have never heard anything like it except the Matchless DC-30. 

This is simply an awesome amp...

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