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Author Topic: Just ordered Kit 2  (Read 24083 times)
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« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2009, 07:45:41 PM »

It doesn't like my Hotplate. This affects the amp more than it does the OTS. Without it the amp is alive, a small amount of hiss when turned up but nothing too problematic.

Very nice tones esp the EF86, but both channels are really nice. I don't like the master volume though, I think that will have to go as soon as the power scaling is fitted.

One problem, and it might be related to the fact the amp was out of a cab and sat in front of the speaker cab, microphonics when the volume got to 3:00 (EF86 channel naturally). I have got the two rings on the valve but I think I will need to investigate further and maybe try a different valve in there. That was loud though, but nevertheless it needs sorting.

I'm going to burn it in tomorrow and see if anything changes.
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2009, 11:31:11 PM »

It doesn't like my Hotplate. This affects the amp more than it does the OTS. Without it the amp is alive, a small amount of hiss when turned up but nothing too problematic.

Very nice tones esp the EF86, but both channels are really nice. I don't like the master volume though, I think that will have to go as soon as the power scaling is fitted.

One problem, and it might be related to the fact the amp was out of a cab and sat in front of the speaker cab, microphonics when the volume got to 3:00 (EF86 channel naturally). I have got the two rings on the valve but I think I will need to investigate further and maybe try a different valve in there. That was loud though, but nevertheless it needs sorting.

I'm going to burn it in tomorrow and see if anything changes.

There is a reason why the EF86 was quickly abandoned as a guitar tube, they are a very problematic tube.  Everyone seems to find the modern production versions too noisy (especially since the SED isn't made anymore) and the NOS keep climbing in price. 
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« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2009, 07:44:13 PM »

After  6 hours of burn in I really can hear a difference. Its brighter and more articulate. might be my imagination but I think its louder aswell. Will give it another burn in tomorrow.

I wish someone could quantify this 'burn in' process, whats happening?, why? and how long does it need?
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2009, 01:21:11 AM »

many tube retailers burn tubes in for 24-48 hours to weed out the duds (which there are a lot of in modern tubes) and to get to the point where the bias point stabilizes.  Not so much for tone.
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« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2009, 01:29:11 PM »

Well after about another 6 hours burnin the hiss has nearly all gone! What was causing that I wonder. Still get some when its on full whack but normal volumes its quiet. Not played it again, leaving it another 6 hours before I do.

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« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2009, 08:54:58 PM »

Wow this is one fantastic amp. I've just finished the combo (blonde tolex, chrome hardware) all except the grille cloth, got to order that tomorrow. I've paired it up with a G12-65 for now and it sounds so rounded and well balanced. EF86 gets gnarly (nicely of course) when wound up but I can't really do that for long its sooo loud.

It is a very transparent amp, shows up all your playing inadequacies (hence why i won't be posting any clips anytime soon!), but responds so beautifully to picking dynamics. I am going to have to become a better player to do this amp justice I think.
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2009, 05:44:13 PM »


I totally agree- this is one incredible amp! (thanks for the 'cab' advice hywelg btw- much appreciated)  Just finished building a head cab for mine- from solid maple (thanks Herby660)!  I did originally intend to use it for the trainwreck express I have too - but that ended up in another cab.  Despite my rubbish woodworking skills- it looks kinda ok - even better when I get the 'M*tchless' logo to light up too!  With my 'brand new' 1963 Bravewood Telecaster  Wink  It really has the rhythm sound of doom- ridiculous clean & crunch tones- I'm so gobsmacked it may replace the Overtone in my affections for some styles of music I play .... Shocked

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« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2009, 12:54:15 PM »

C'mon Mitch, lets see some pics!
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2009, 07:05:50 PM »

Ok chaps- here 'tis- bit rough around the edges- and sadly no dovetail joints here (I'm rubbish at woodwork!)  But it's tough and does the job- might have to stain it green or something  Grin

or maybe tolex will have to hide the multitude of sins-

No mistaking though- this is one hell of an amp- had the chance to try it in anger at a large venue at the weekend- and I had the curious sensation I was hearing the sound was coming from not just the speakers but 'filling' the room- that was on low power too on the EF86 channel about 12 o'clock volume, maybe that DC30 '3D' effect isn't just an urban myth after all!

anyone else experience this?

* Bravewood & DC30.jpg (272.87 KB, 1084x719 - viewed 879 times.)
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« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2009, 09:50:59 AM »

Yeah a stain to match the Tele would be nice. Chestnut do a range of high intensity primary colour woodstains, though I guess Maple won't absorb that much so you'd have to spray with lacquer with the stain added to it, then it becomes vulnerable to dings just like  a guitar. Shame to cover the lovely wood grain with tolex though.
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« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2009, 05:53:24 PM »

Just got the amp back from Shane Dolman. Powerscaling installed. Initial impressions are good. Powerscaling is better than the master volume by a good bit. It does lose some tone when scaling the volume right back but thats not really what I want it to do, just to ease off the volume levels of thios very loud amp.
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« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2009, 10:53:03 AM »

Some pics

* DC-30-07.jpg (123.91 KB, 600x572 - viewed 828 times.)

* DC-30-06.jpg (141.96 KB, 600x563 - viewed 842 times.)

* DC-30-09.jpg (129.79 KB, 600x556 - viewed 820 times.)

* DC-30-10.jpg (93.89 KB, 600x550 - viewed 818 times.)
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« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2009, 06:58:57 PM »



« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2009, 06:55:35 PM »

Wow!  Shocked

That's some seriously good work there hywelg- in fact I'm now so embarrassed about my own handywork- especially as my drummer described my attempt as a 'converted bread bin'!!!  Angry so much so that I relented and gave Nik a call and he's done me a good deal on an empty Dizzy head cab & Kleinulator package - I have to agree on the choice of G12-65's - that smoother top end really warms up this amp's inherent brightness, and the lower sensitivity tames the ridiculous volume levels of this amp slightly- I still prefer the gold alnico's with the Overtone though...
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« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2009, 09:07:25 AM »

Wow!  Shocked

That's some seriously good work there hywelg- in fact I'm now so embarrassed about my own handywork- especially as my drummer described my attempt as a 'converted bread bin'!!!  Angry so much so that I relented and gave Nik a call and he's done me a good deal on an empty Dizzy head cab & Kleinulator package - I have to agree on the choice of G12-65's - that smoother top end really warms up this amp's inherent brightness, and the lower sensitivity tames the ridiculous volume levels of this amp slightly- I still prefer the gold alnico's with the Overtone though...


Seems like I have to get my hands on a Gold don't I, Just finished a 2x12 for my OTS with an EVM12l and Eminence ToneSpotter. Nice but I'm beginning to see what people mean about the EVM, its a bit clinical, maybe I need something with a bit more 'character'

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