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Author Topic: DC30 Issue  (Read 3480 times)
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« on: March 20, 2014, 12:54:43 AM »

EDIT: SOLVED. It was my 500pf coupling cap. Replaced it and all is well!


I am currently wrapping up a DC30 type build. I am currently in the testing phase and have one (hopefully small) issue on the 12ax7 channel. Everything is fine on the EF86 channel- better than fine actually Surprised

On the 12ax7 channel, when I start my volume at 0 and work my way, everything seems to be fine for the first 5% of the rotation. The pot tapers very quickly (too quickly? definitely more so than the EF86 channel) to a steady volume, (I'm going to call it a clean sweet spot) and then there is no more gain available. For about 90% of the pot range, it sounds the same. Then, close to the maximum setting, I lose all sound on the channel- similar to when my pot was at 0. I've already replaced the pot with a new, verified one. The original tested fine when I pulled it out. I've also replaced the 180pf cap between pin 1 and the pot wiper... Not sure where to go from here.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!! Greg
« Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 08:21:04 PM by GregN » Logged
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