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Author Topic: Creme Brulee no stand-by?  (Read 3768 times)
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« on: February 07, 2010, 05:00:33 AM »

Would some one be able to explain. I know some tube amps don't have them, but why the Brulee'?

This amp looks amazing and right up my alley. Can it really be considered the EF86 side of the Dizzy 30 with half to 1/4 the power?

Thank you all for any help.
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« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 09:57:14 AM »

There isnt really much need for a standby on amps that use a GZ34 as a rectifier.

The valve rectifier itself takes time to warm up so it doesnt put too much current onto the output valves until they are also warm enough to cope with it, think of it as a soft start!
 Actually standby switches on such amps tend to do more harm than good because they put such a sudden rush of power onto the valves.

Never played a creme brulee but ive heard good things about them and yes it is the ef86 side of the dc-30 with less power, my dc-30 is blooody loud so less power is a handy thing Grin
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