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Author Topic: C30 Transformers?  (Read 10661 times)
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« on: October 31, 2007, 10:06:40 PM »

I have a chassis from Nik ready to build. I'm sure Niks transformers are fine, but I'm wondering if any of the builders here have tried the TDS transformers (current matchless production), or the Westlabs (older matchless production), and if so, what your opinion is of them, and what you would recommend?
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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 05:27:46 PM »


   I have had people making them using Westlabs. They fit fine, and work well. I havent had people ABing builds using my tranny vs westlabs. Sorry, cant help specifically.

  As for TDS, I am not sure. Sizes should be same I am sure.



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« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2007, 10:03:41 AM »


I use Westlabs in my amp.
I can't compare with Nik's or the other brand tranformers but westlabs sure sound good.
My DC30 is a very (first?) early one. I asked Nik for a kit in octobre 2005.
After some naging from my side, Nik decided to make one.
At that moment I didn't know about Ceriatone (and Nik), so no idea that those trannys where any good.
This year I made a 5E3 kit with ceriatone tranformers. I must say I like 'm VERY much!
So no other tranformers in this kit.
If I would make another DC30 it would be with Ceriatone transformers. (Those Westlabs are really good but VERY expensive)

And now I'm saving to buy another Ceriatone kit.
It's a bit like with tattoo's, you start with one... (BF champ or vibro champ or 18watt, decisions, decisions,...)

Hope to have helped,
Greetings from Belgium


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« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 04:04:43 AM »

Save your money, if you want to downgrade to TDS or Westlabs transformers they will probably be double the cost of Nik's transformers and I don't think the difference if any will be that significant.

Often when we purposely make change, the result is phsycologically skewed, because we went to great effort or significant cost to implement change, we convince ourselves that change will be better and of course when you implement change you truly believe it is now better.

The only real answer here is to do an A/B test between one product and another, otherwise the result is too personally objective.
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« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 08:15:06 AM »

TDS worked out to $300 AUD with shipping from the States, compared to $250 AUD for the Ceriatone ones including shipping. So, more expensive yes, but not that much more. The Westlabs would've worked out at $380 AUD for me (considerably more expensive than Ceriatone).

An AB test would be great... but there are probably a bunch of other different factors to take into account as well...

I don't think it's a case of some transformers sounding better than others... but if your after the same tone as a Matchless amp, then using the same transformers that Matchless use would surely make a difference. That's not to say they sound better than Nik's.

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« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2008, 11:36:29 PM »

Niks trannies are great...really... Mine is awesome.  A friend has a matchless and mine sounds every bit as good.

I do have Mullards as preamps though.  JJ EL84.  Miniwatt EF86

I think you would be wasting your time looking elsewhere.

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« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2008, 01:56:53 AM »

I have A/B my DC30 against two Star amps (Mark Sampson)...a Sirius 15w and a GainStar 30w, all using the same speakers- which were a Cornford 2x12 and the Star 15w combo with a modified V30. 

I'm not sure what trannies R in those but seeing as he was 'Mr Matchless' I'm guessing they'll be similar quality. 

The ceriatone C30 sounded every bit as good as those really really expensive amps, it did of course sound a little different, but the fussy ears present all agreed that it stood up against the Stars.

BF Vibro Champ
18w TMB ef86

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« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2008, 05:07:07 PM »

thanks for the info folks Cheesy
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