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Question: On my DC-30 I mostly use:
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A/B pedal   -2 (25%)
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Author Topic: A/B pedal ? OD? How are you using you DC-30?  (Read 10198 times)
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« on: July 06, 2008, 09:15:28 PM »


I have a new-to-me DC-30 and love the tones. Nothing else comes close. It sounds just like one of the Matchless 30 models! Amazing...

I have seem a few tips here on how to get maximize the tones the DC-30 has to offer like using an A/B pedal, or an OCD, and am interested in what other tips and tricks folks may be using to get the tone they enjoy out of their DC-30.

Let us know what you are doing with your DC-30 and what your settings are !

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« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 02:25:27 AM »

I have been using the TB channel most of the time on low power.  What I like best for my ears is Vol at 12:00 Bass at 11:00 Treb at 1:00.  I use the MV for channel 1 without jumping channel 2.  I don't use effects.  I have a Weber made 2x12 8 ohm Cab with a 50 watt blue dog and 50 watt silver bell with beam blockers.  I love this amp but for now it has taken a back seat to the 5E3 through the same cab.  I might have to hide my 5E3 and get back to the DC-30. 
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« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2008, 08:21:08 PM »

I've used two different configs and they both work pretty well.

First, I used an A/B box to select channels.  For top-boost channel, I set the volume to about 11:00, bass to about 11:00, and treble between 10:30 and 2:00 depending on how bright the guitar is.  On the EF86 channel, I set the gain to somewhere between Keith Richards and Malcolm Young level of overdrive, which is about 9:30 to 11:00 depending on the guitar.  The tone switch I set to the 2nd or 3rd click from the left, depending on the guitar, with the idea of dialing in as much low-end as possible without it getting farty, which this channel can do IMO.  I set the Cut to between 12:00 and 2:00 (depending on the guitar again) and defeat the master volume and use a Trainwreck Airbrake which sounds better to my ears.    I use the top-boost channel as a semi-clean.  At that volume it isn't really clean, it has a fair amount of grit.  But if I roll back the volume a little on my guitar it gets clean enough for me.  I often like a little bit of distortion in my "clean" sound because I think it sounds more hip.  Anyway, I use the EF86 as my dirty rhythm sound using the guitar volume to back off to clean it up a little if I need it.  For leads, I'll activate a Fulldrive II with the output at a little above unity gain and the drive at around 10:00 -- just a bit of additional overdrive for some more gain and compression.

The other way that I've use it is just with the top-boost channel.  I'll set it up for a really great clean sound (genuinely clean, that is) -- usually volume around 9:30, bass at 11:00 and treble and Cut controls between 10:00 and 2:00, depending on the guitar.  Once again, I defeat the master, although in this configuration I don't really need the Airbrake.  For dirty rhythm sounds, I'll use a Barber Small Fry.  For leads, I'll use the Fulldrive II, but this time with the drive cranked up a lot more since I'm working with a clean amp tone.

Both ways have worked really well for me.  I like the 2nd configuration because its very versatile, practical.  But I like the 1st configuration because the resulting tones are more touch-responsive and organic sounding IMO.

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« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 02:19:10 AM »

What type (brand) of A/B pedal are you using?

My son is playing an Exporer, Goldtop and a Stratocaster - do you think your suggested settings will work well with any of these?

Thanks so much! I'm the guitar and amp novice but want him to get the most out of what he's playing.
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« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2008, 04:07:53 PM »

My A/B box is one that I made myself.  Its actually a loop selector that I can configure as an A/B box.  But wiring-wise, its doing the same thing.

However, any A/B box will pretty much work.  Whirlwind and Morley both make 'em.  DOD has a really inexpensive one that works fine (I've had one for 20 years!).  The Fulltone website used to have a diagram for building one yourself too.  The big thing is to have one that grounds out the output that's not being used.

Yeah, my settings should work well with those guitars, assuming your son is going for a similar tone.  For the strat, you probably want to crank the volume a bit more and reduce the treble (and/or increase the Cut control) because those guitars are usually brighter and lower in output than the humbucker-equipped Gibsons.

What kind of music is your son playing?

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« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2008, 07:37:27 PM »

thanks for the info about the A/B....

Stephen plays Foo Fighters, Zeppelin, U2, Nirvana, Stones and the like...he currently has a Fender Twin Reverb  too that's a bit too clean for his liking...

he's really, really looking forward to getting the DC30...it's in the hands of a custom cabinet maker in town as we speak!

Thanks for all of your help!
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« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2008, 07:58:11 PM »

I think I could cover the classic stuff your son is doing (Stones, Zepp, U2), using either of the configs that I described.  The more modern, higher-gain stuff (Foo Fighters, Nirvana), I'd probably turn up the volume more on the EF86 side to get more distortion, and I'd probably still use an overdrive pedal because they tend to tighten the low-end (by filtering it out, actually).

I hope your son loves his new amp!  He owes his Dad one heck of a Father's Day gift!

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« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2008, 02:28:40 AM »

Thanks for the info! I'm certain he'll love it - he's a very appreciative 13-year-old who takes great care of everything he has so I figured I'd get him the good stuff and he'd have it for life!

We're really looking forward to having that amp in the house...LOL.

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« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2009, 11:19:03 PM »

Lovely amp, the best...
Right now I use the EF86 channel, at 15 watts (enough to cover small clubs wich is most where I play) with volume not past 9 0'clock. I use this chain

535q wah->
Retrocomp compressor (build by RO Tiree on Gnet)->
SD/808 Analogman SD1-> (as main gain, volume and gain 2pm)
DS1/PRO Analogman (gain almost 0, as a booster for solos)
Maxton Volume pedal->
EF86 Channel

Effects loop:
GE7 eq to add some brilliance, my EF86 channel at low volume is too bassy, so the eq help to cut trough the mix.
LS1 Line Selector, wich engages or disengages:
Yamaha ch mII chorus
Eventide TimeFactor

This way this amp is the most versatile I've ever played. I can go from chimey cleans to crunch or high gain sounds, just combining 2 dirt pedals. Every single sound is amazing, other guys with brand amps haven't been able to pair this sound.
I use it with a 2x12 custom with V30 and G12H30, or with a Marshall 1960A. Both cabs love the amp, each with it's own characteristics.
As somebody on the forum said, this amp forces you to be a better player, it really reproduces every single stuff you do (for bad or for good).

« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2009, 10:17:02 PM »

Had mine for a few months now, and really love it's clean articulate tones.  I use a small amount of gentle compression from a modified Boss CS3, a Budda Wah, and a home made early Marshall Bluesbreaker pedal clone- (I'm loving those John Mayer type tones at the moment), a MXR Phase 90 clone & a EH Memory Man w/hazarai in the effects loop for simple delays and basic reverb.  I also use a Gigrig Wet Box which enables me to foot control the amount of delay & reverb mix on the fly- a pretty neat device.  That's about it- mostly use the EF86 channel at around 11 o'clock - much improved when I installed a NOS Mullard EF86- I highly recommend them- virtually no microphonics!  I usually have the amp on 15w but I think it sounds fuller and has more midrange on full power, but usually it's then way too loud! Speakers are some early 80's original Celestion G12-65's  in a Custom Cab Company cabinet- I highly recommend the G12-65's- the softer treble of these speakers helps smooth the inherent treble frequency emphasis of this amp.
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