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Author Topic: NOS tubes and Mustard caps FS (and an expression)  (Read 3887 times)
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Posts: 13

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« on: December 23, 2007, 04:55:02 AM »

Hey everyone. If anyone's interested I ALWAYS have NOS and OS tubes of all shapes and sizes and brands. I also have mustard caps.

12AX7/ECC83s...Dutch Amperex, Miniwatt, Bugleboy....Eastern Euro RFT, Ei, Tungsram, Teslas...Western Euro Mazda, Valvo, Brimar, Mullard, Siemens, Teles...........$30-$65ea    Some ultra rare, AMAZING mullard labelled (foreign made) 1956 longplate Munich Siemens...matched triodes and matched pairs...$150 per tube :0. Lots of US ax7s too....cheap.
I have EL34s, 6L6s, 6V6s, EL84s and rectifier tubes (no GZ34s at the moment)...and just about any other tube you can imagine.

I have most NOS mustards required for just about any build except .68uF. Fresh out of those at the moment.

Alos, in case anyone hasnt blown their load for Christmas, I have some amps for sale. On the block are:

-An Express clone: Ceritone chassis and faceplate, Paul Ruby Heyboer Trainwreck transformers, Clarostat Pots, Sprauge Atom and Mallory 150 capacitors, External bias pot and jacks, Rear mounted PEC master volume, marshall cliff jacks and Micalex tube sockets. No cabinet and no tubes (unless you want screentubes too...that'll be extra). $550 obo plus $50 S&H.

-A '73 Traynor YBA-1A MKII firebreathing MONSTER. Front grillcloth is a bit in torn-up. I did a couple of MINOR mods. I added a resistor to reduce the NFB, Removed the brightcap and replaced it with a 470K resistor (parkhead mod), and installed 1K5W screen grid (?) resistors. $500 plus $60S&H.

I'm preparing to unload a few more too, just have to figure-out what else I can part with. I'm not fussy about the TW and I have a pair of the YBA1As so those 2 were easy decisions. Well not EASY but...

My plan is to get an overtone special. That's why the "fundraising drive". If anyone has one and wants to do some horsetrading I'm interested. Who got an overtone special and would rather have a tw espress with all the best components available? We gotta talk.

Season's greetings everyone!

EDIT: Figured I'd delete any "brand" names.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 10:26:45 PM by blaren » Logged
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