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Author Topic: FT - Ceriatone 36w EF86 for Expression/Liverpull/RockIt  (Read 3124 times)
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« on: August 17, 2010, 11:43:32 PM »

Hey Guys,

Well, the first amp I bought from CT was a slightly used 36w EF86 head.  Love it, but then I got an OTS Bluesmaster, and that's now my go-to amp.  I'd love to trade this head straight up (or plus a little cash) for a CT TW clone (I'm most interested in the RockIt). 

I'll post pics later, but till then, this head features a custom mojotone cab (cream with bisque binding), Marshall faceplate, NOS Tungram 12ax7s, Dario Miniwatt EF 86, and Polam/Telam EL-86s. 

It features a 1/2 power switch and effects loop for each channel.  This amp didn't offer channel switching, but the guy who sold it to me got a custom Loop-Master AB box that allows you to switch between the two (it also has a tuner out).  I'll include the head w/ tubes, channel switcher, external battery box (for the switcher), and power cable.  I'd like to do a clean swap, no cash, if possible.  The 36w is more expensive than any of the TW clones, and mine does have the mods and NOS tubes in it.  She sounds exactly like what I'd expect from her.  Just want to try something different.

Pics to follow.

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