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Author Topic: FS UK BASED:- OTS Head Shell, Matching 3U Rack Shell + 2x12 CABS.  (Read 5088 times)
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« on: August 22, 2015, 11:43:53 AM »

Ceriatone OTS headshell.

I made two of these as I had plans to build two of the kits. Things change and my amp building plans have moved on to other ideas so this shell is for sale. £110 plus shipping (not sure how much it would be maybe £10?)

3U rack shell

I also have a matching 3U rack shell which I use very occasionally with my other OTS, as seen here. The second photo is the one I have for sale, being used as a temporary home for a drum mixer (also for sale!). This is available either as a bare shell (including the 3U side mounts, and screws etc) or I could cover it and fit it out with feet, corner protectors etc. As is £30 plus shipping. For a finished cost we'd have to agree a spec, (I have some black and some Red and Orange tolex, same stuff as Dr Z uses)

2x12 Cab

Finally I have two oversize 2x12 cabs in the course of finishing. One is going to a mate and the other is up for grabs. At the moment it is a bare shell built to a high spec. 18mm birch ply with dovetail joints, dimensions 800mm x 600mm x 300mm, black inside. 15mm birch baffle with two 12" speaker cutouts each with 8 M5 teenuts. Rear is 12mm ply with a big oval port a la Dumble cabs. Baffle mounts are fitted.

These really do sound big when fitted with good drivers. I have an EV and a Red Fang in mine which is excellent, the orange one below has an EV and a Gold is brighter and easily a mtach for a Marshall 2x12 in sound. IT is available as a project shell if you want to finish it off, price is £120 or finished the same as the one below (without metal side handles or casters though these can be added at cost) for £250. Happy to fit your drivers for you and wire them up. I have more photos that I took when constructing the final one. Prefer collection on this as its so big.

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