Hey guys-
I recently had Jon Mernyk build me a Ceriatone HRM Bluesmaster 100 watt amp, with a C-Lator installed in the head. Turns out it's just not my thing. I've played it like 5 times. Beautiful amp!!! If you know about Jon, then you know he's an awesome builder! Also, I bought a Forte 3D 112 cab! These things are amazing!!! Ports on the side reflect sound from angled baffles inside the cab!! Great dispersion!!! It's loaded with a Fane Studio 12L!!! Great speaker based on the EVM 12L! Anyway, all this can be yours. Here was my cost:
Head - $1500
Cab -$250
C-Lator - $250
Forte Cab - $349
Fane Studio 12L - $289
That's before shipping!!! I've got both the head and cab on ebay right now, but if you contact me through the forum, I'll sell the set for $2300 shipped!! That's a great deal! You don't have to wait for the amp and/or cab to be built (like I did). Plus, you get the whole setup for less than what I paid before shipping!!! Any questions please let me know. You can see the amp/cab here:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/100-Watt-Ceriatone-HRM-Bluesmaster-With-C-Lator-/251084980612?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a75d4c184http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251084985843Also, check out the Forte cab better here: