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Author Topic: No More Parts for Sale  (Read 29787 times)
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« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2009, 04:45:55 PM »

I think I understand why you're going to do this, but I don't like it. I know I'm not a customer yet but, I was considering ordering a board kit for an express and a HRM and I am in the U.S.

Another down side it the cost of shipping for the #2 kits with the extra weight of the trannies.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 04:48:42 PM by djroge1 » Logged
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« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2009, 11:37:26 AM »

Nik, bottom line is you do what's best for your business. I only speak for myself when I say I will continue to buy amps from you. Your work is outstanding and you've found a loyal customer in me.

Jim Dimenno

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« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2009, 12:41:16 PM »

Since I discovered Ceriatone I sold all my production amps and I own only Ceria amps now (four of them and I ordered another one  Embarrassed ). There is nothing out there, who can touch you price and quality wise. "Buy USA stuff" statement is so lame... somebody should tell those guys that globalization thing works both ways... never mind   
At first I bought amps prebuild by Nik... but lately I want to build them myself... I guess that's your fault Nik.  Wink

Although I like you trannies, I still think package1 should stay. Shipping and customs cost can sometimes cost more than sourcing parts locally... but hey, if you don't want to do that anymore, who can stop you... at the end, it's your choice.
...and customers will react, the market will decide

...and that's how things should work, right?  ... may the best man win  Grin

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« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2009, 05:38:17 AM »

ok then, where can i get replacement electrolytic caps for the 18W TMB board i bought from you about 3 yrs. ago?
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« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2009, 01:51:04 PM »

Hi Nik,

Sounds like a good business decision to me!! The more products you offer and the better known you become, the more people are going to want to take up your time. So at that point you are right to focus on what you do best - outstanding amps at very affordable prices (even given the cost of shipping heavy transformers!!).

As for the "Buy American" sentiment in the States, I would just like to mention that in the UK the sentiment seems to be "Look for the best quality at the best price" there is no stigma attached to buying an amp/guitar from the far-east, in fact it seems to me that people give you credit for actually looking for a good deal on a quality product!!

So keep doing what you're doing, you do it very well.



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« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2009, 04:20:26 PM »

Man I live in Costa Rica... so I have to deal with shipping no matter if I buy american, malasyan, british or whatever... Yes, I can find some local dealers here, but they are pricey (brand charge + shipping/tax). So, I am more than happy with my DC30, but believe my next amp (if ever!) I will buy from Ceriatone.

Many people are still blinded by marketing campaings of "brands". But we will be always around, those who think you pay for quality, not for a logo on a sh!ty amp. I mean, many of this amps are series pcb production. How come they be so expensive? I believe your prices are more than fair. The shipping, is out fault because we are not your neighbors!!

Bussines is bussines. Keep the lines that really make your time compensated. As been said, a little more info on the website will ease the email handling. You are usually rated 10 on customer service. But that, I believe must count for your REAL customers. I'm still surprised how you take time to answer asap emails.

Selling parts for people to build the amp from scratch, may be easy money, you just put parts on box and ship. But you must await then hundreds of questions. For a guy with one kit, it's a lot of fun. For you, hundreds of guys with kits asking questions...  I'd even consider package 3 as the lower package. Your work is artwork, that's what you do best. And selling those, you'll lower the amount of questions asked....
Max Riffage
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« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2009, 11:09:19 AM »

This is not good news for me as I only buy pack 1 kits, not because I think the transformers are bad , but because don't like to pay the extra shipping costs to my country. I buy the  transformers locally. I love your kits Nik , but I don't think I would buy pack 2 kits. .02 cents.

Nik will still sell you a kit. He just doesn't want to sell someone $5 worth of components and then end up talking them through every detail of building an amp from start to finish.

If you treat him with respect and common sense, he'll be happy to help.
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« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2009, 06:09:37 AM »

Nik, you're an absolute legend and which ever way you want to run your business I reckon you should do it. In the new year I'll be placing an order for an Overtone Special Smiley (and I'll get you guys to build it because you are just that good!)
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« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2009, 05:50:40 AM »

If your business is good I can see that being the right thing for you.  I'm just really glad I was able to buy a board and chassis for my 50w plexi. It was my first amp to build and part of the fun for me was sourcing the parts and putting everything together.  I understand it might not be cost effective to spend a lot of time answering questions but that might be solved with a good build manual and refering questions to the forum.  You were great answering my questions though and I think maybe you are a person who will always give help when asked.  Anyway, if I build another amp I would probably buy the board and chassis from you again if available. If not I would probably just build my own, now that I have more experience and confidence.  Just more fun for me to source parts and I'm playing in my bedroom so have to go as cheap as possible.  But I LOVE my 50wat Plexi, it is amazing.  Thanks always regardless of what you do in the future. 
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« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2009, 06:38:50 AM »

Hey Nik and All Else Present,
Here is why I will continue to buy from Nik, Ceriatone and anybody that provides value for the money I give them.  Nik delivers what he says, he will delivers when he promises and backs his products completely!  He provides service with polite, succinct and rapid responses...onto my soapbox...I am American but I am embarrassed by any campaign that pushes the "Buy American" policies.  The American auto business is in very deep trouble simply because they made inferior products and then refused to back up these products.  I tried to "buy American" with regards to cars on a couple of occasions and it will be a long time before I buy another American automobile because I need a vehicle/company I can depend on.  Purchased new, I owned a Jeep Cherokee, a Ford Focus and a Ford Explorer.  Each of cars left me stranded at least one time and two of them left me strand multiple times and I never got more than 75,000 mile on any of these cars with mostly freeway driving.  I understand that cars break down, but when the brakes wore out on my Ford Focus at 21,000 miles only to hear from the Ford dealership that "yeah they seem to do that for some reason" followed by "the brakes are only warranteed for the first 12,000 miles but we can get your car done in the next 3 days.  It should be no more that $500.00," I decided that my loyalties were undeserving.  I made a promise on that day that I will never buy a Ford nor would I consider an American car in the near future.  It has been 5 years since that day and the same car left me stranded multiple times, 3 times for problems that were later recalled but for which I was not reimbursed because the repairs were made prior to the recall date.  I should note that none of the 3 Hondas, 2 Toyotas, and the 2 Subarus I owned EVER broke down.  In fairness, I did own a Toyota truck that wouldn't start one morning and a change of solenoid and battery forever rectified that.  So before ANYBODY implores you to buy for reasons of nationality, please build a product for which I would proudly want associated with my nationality.  Every intelligent individual will do a cost/quality/efficiency comparison before spending their money.  I am proud to be American, but embarrassed by the arrogant nationalism we are so well know for.  Build a product that lasts, back it up.  But until you back your product fully, don't expect us to back it up just because it is American....

« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 07:01:22 AM by duhbearz » Logged
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« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2009, 06:51:14 AM »

...ran out of characters with my rant...

I too, agree that by not offering the Kit#1, I would have to rethink my upcoming purchases.  I wish Nik would move his butt to California so I could drive to his factory and pick up what I need.  I honestly hope to eventually build at least half of the amp kits that Ceriatone has, both for the experience, learning this new skill and to build a collection of tones and amps that I can be proud of and utilize.   But one aspect of purchasing from Nik that i don't have to consider is will I feel like a burden to this company.  How many times have you left an email, voice message with that TAW company or other company in the states to have them answer a week later if at all.  Yet here is Nik asking his customer base what they think about a move that would simplify his business, but concerned about how it may affect those that pay him to do what he does.  I figured if these other companies gave a shit, they would have responded sooner than later, eager to be of assistance so that I can make my purchase. ..so that i could give them MY MONEY and make it their money.  Treat me like you don't need my money and you will not get it.  I can only afford to learn how to buy these kits because of help from this forum as well as the rapid responses I get from Nik who obviously wants to serve his customers and proves it virtually every day.  Let those companies who will no longer receive any of YOUR MONEY know why you have made a decision to buy elsewhere and let them know what you bought instead.  That still might make them wake up, but you have then done your part in refusing to subsidized mediocrity while supporting those that support you.  And please, American companies that have replaced service with arrogance, please please please give me a better reason to support you.  I really want to help you survive.  Thanks once again Nik and all of those that still give a shit.

P.S.---please support this forum with a few $ now and then.  Think of what you have learned here.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 07:04:15 AM by duhbearz » Logged
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