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Author Topic: No More Parts for Sale  (Read 29781 times)
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« on: March 25, 2009, 06:25:14 PM »


After much contemplation, I think it is about time we change how we do things.

1) We are not selling Parts anymore

We will not sell chassis, boards, tube sockets, pots etc anymore.

We will sell kits, and complete amps only.

I do not have time to update every single pics on the website every day. Our chassis has extra holes for mods or what not, and we get the blame of not same per picture products.

Nor buying a capacitor or faceplate entitles anyone for a full interview on how to do mods on an amp that I am not familiar with.

My interest has always been affordable, great amps for everybody. Making it affordable is no easy feat, there are many things to do to get there.

And with the recent "Buy American" campaign seen on various forums, my only defence is pricing enticing enough.

Well, not really "Buy American", as they're OK with Ibanez, Marshall, and a host other "foreign" brands. It's more like "Dont buy Malaysian" I guess.

And we have many more areas to cover, I'd rather be trying to come up with these models than updating catalog.

2) Kits

    I am looking at offering Pack 2 as the minimum level. We have upgraded some of the trannies to quite crazy specs, and all others will follow.

  Sorry folks, I do not work for xxx transformer manufacturer. If they can't provide the sizing, then how do I know?

   The upside is, we will try to offer these at yet cheaper prices.

   A new website structure with more info on things will be done.

So, that's it.  What do you think?

How am I? The same, except now I just feel it;s just not worth it, emotionally. Yeah, the money's good and all, but...
Lets just say, I think that if we make em good and cheap, and be done at that level, it'd be easier...



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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2009, 06:50:48 PM »

Hey Nik,
Whatever you have to do to continue making your great amps is fine with me! People are always going to try to get the most value for their money, and your amps are just that - Great value for the money. I'm an American and I do get embarrassed about all the hostility directed at foreign manufacturers (like Ceriatone) when the same people have no trouble buying British or Japanese or whatever. But there will always be the folks like me who are looking for spectacular value and great TONE, and for that nobody beats Ceriatone. (I'm waiting on a 1987 Plexi from you right now!)
I do agree that an updated website with more detailed info on all the amps would be a great idea and make it easier for more people to order an amp maybe without bothering you so much!
The main thing is: structure your business in a way that is easiest and most rewarding to you! We want you to stay healthy and happy so you can keep on making these killer amps forever!
All the best!
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« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 08:24:37 PM »

Hi Nik,

I think it's a clever move from you - If it makes good sense too you - by alle means go ahead and do it ! Let your amps (and prices) speak for them selves and you should be just fine ( I hope !) Smiley

What ever some americans choose to do - I will still be loving your amps !

"i used to jog - But the ice cubes kept falling out of my drink !"
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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2009, 01:48:51 AM »

Hey Nik...your amps are #1 in my books!!!  You make it possible for me to own some great amps at a great price!!!  They may not be the originals...but they sound sooooo good!!!  Friends that have played through my Ceriatones want to take them home when they leave.     
When it's time for another amp (my wife is going to kill me )...you can be sure I'll be knocking on your door:-)
Take it easy!!!

Rocking on a rock in the middle of the Pacific:-)
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« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2009, 02:54:58 AM »

Hi Nik,

Can't blame you. I love your amps and find them very comparable  to the originals.  I also have no problem with your choice of transformers in your amps.  I should know because I have 3 of your amps ( 1987 plexi 50, JTM-50, and 18watt head) and one on the way (1986 plexi 50-watt bass head).  People that I play with can't tell them apart from the originals.  I can't say enough good things.  Keep up the good work. I'm sorry some people can't recognize the fact that you offer quality alongside affordability.

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« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2009, 09:56:02 PM »

Hey Nik,
After months of searching the forums for any and all info on amps I chose Ceriatone not just because of the price but also the craftsmanship.I ordered the jtm45/100 from Nik last week and wad going to put a Marshall logo on the front,but after reading what you have to go through I will be more than proud to show everyone the Ceriatone badge.With 2 outdoor concerts coming up this year I can't wait for it to get here and let everyone know quality doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Will give you guys a update when it gets here
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« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2009, 12:39:57 AM »

So if I buy a kit and wants to add to it like extra cap or sockets or holes on the chassis will that still be allowed?
tele caster
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« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2009, 07:08:48 PM »

This is not good news for me as I only buy pack 1 kits, not because I think the transformers are bad , but because don't like to pay the extra shipping costs to my country. I buy the  transformers locally. I love your kits Nik , but I don't think I would buy pack 2 kits. .02 cents.
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« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2009, 03:00:42 PM »

Hi Nik,

    I have been very happy with your kits. You have shown very good judgement and attention to detail and good tone. There are always going to be whiners or maybe that's weiners that don't realize how much time you and your crew put into the business. The craftmanship of your products is top notch.
   It is your business and livelihood, you have the right to chose what is best for you and for us. Take more time to enjoy indoor soccer, and get some well deserved rest and be ceria. What ever you do, don't stop producing the best kits on the planet!!
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« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2009, 05:04:09 PM »

Hi Nik

Me too has been very happy with the kit and complete amp I bought from you and your service is great! Always a quick response and very helpful So I really hope you continue with your kits even if it only will be complete ones in the future. I can agree with "tele caster" that if it's possible it would be great to still buy pack 1 kits, I live in Sweden so I could save some money on shipping costs to buy transformers locally but most importent is that I still can buy good and valueble kits from you in the future, still need at least an 18W clone  Smiley   
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« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2009, 10:40:28 PM »

This is not good news for me as I only buy pack 1 kits, not because I think the transformers are bad , but because don't like to pay the extra shipping costs to my country. I buy the  transformers locally. I love your kits Nik , but I don't think I would buy pack 2 kits. .02 cents.
   +1!! Having nothing to do with the quality, it's just too darn expensive to ship heavy transformers half way 'round the world.

  Edit: I Emailed Nik about any forthcoming Vox amps. Nik says he is planning on releasing a full blown AC30 kit. I would definitely spring for the pack 2 kit on that one.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 09:53:36 AM by grod915 » Logged
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« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2009, 04:35:08 PM »

Hi Nik,

When you own a business, you have the right to choose your way of running it.
If you feel this is the way to go, then just do it.

Keep on making those great amps.

Still in love with my 5F1 tweed champ. Grin


I wanna rock and roll all night...
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« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2009, 01:21:48 AM »


I appreciate the decision to stop selling parts and focus on kits and amps.  Considering the high quality of the parts in the kits, I can't find a compelling reason to not order a kit.  As far as package 1 or package 2 kits are concerned, the transformers provided with my package 2 Express(ion) kit were excellent, with no upgrade required.  I have only bought package 1 kits when I have had sets of suitable transformers on-hand. 

I understand the frustration of dealing with people who don't think before they order. It surprises me (Well, maybe not) that people buying a chassis or kit would expect their transformers to drop right in, unless they check the dimensions of the cutout before they order.  Between that and the discussion forum wars over the past few years, I can understand the emotional drain.  I just appreciate that you have stuck it out, providing superior quality products at very reasonable price.

I wish you all the best and hope that you may take some satisfaction in knowing that a lot of us would never have undertaken a build like a DC-30 without your hard work.  We owe you.

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« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2009, 12:19:38 PM »


You have every right to run your business as you see fit.

However, we'll be sad to see the parts go. My amp building friend and I have bought many chassis', plates, boards and sometimes transformers from you. For us, part of the enjoyment of building is choosing our own parts and coming up with our own variations on the amp designs. Your parts have been a good value platform to build from.

I think we've pretty much looked after ourselves, but I can imagine that some customers might be high maintenance.

I would love it if you would still offer a bare bones kit (chassis, plates, unloaded boards) and perhaps you could stipulate that it is "unserviced" "as is" "fend for yourself" or whatever. Just a thought.

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« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2009, 04:21:57 PM »

Moving away from parts to kits and completed amps only is the way to go.  This basically means you're busy!  No one should expect you to hold hands with every customer with rediculous parts questions.

Don't sweat the anti-malaysian sentiment on some forums.  Their running and hiding.  Don't let up now.

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