It appears the main ceriatone.com website doesn't provide very detailed information on the Champ clones built by Nik and his team of great guys!
Right now, the only "Champ" shown on the website is the "Ultra Champ". I presume that's a Champ (BF, SF or what) with a "tweed voicing" switch.
However, there is a lot of talk on this forum regarding BF Champs and Vibro Champs that i don't seem to see on the main site at all.
So these are my questions:
1) Apart from that listed "Champ Ultra" what other Champ Clones are offered by Nik and his team?
2) Are these other clones priced similarly to the "Champ Ultra" or should i expect to be charged a bit more for them?
3) If the "Champ Ultra" itself is not switched to "Tweed Voicing", what is it supposed to be cloning?
thanks for taking the time to read my questions guys!