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Author Topic: bassman RI/ 5f6a cieratone  (Read 8235 times)
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« on: December 22, 2013, 12:19:50 AM »

Hi all
I recently played a bassmanRI at a big box store and LOVED it!! I've owned bassmans in the past and they just didn't do it for me. Is the 5f6a the layout I'm lookingfor to give me that bassy sparkly tone iI heard from the RI? The RI had 5881's in it if that helps.
Thank you

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« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2013, 04:51:07 AM »

The 5F6a is the '59-'60 Bassman circuit that Fender uses for it's RI's (original RI and the LTD) and is the most popular Bassman circuit for the Tweed cloners.

If you owned Bassman's in the past, what makes this RI different? Or were your previous Bassman's the Blonde, BF and/or SF heads (which are a MUCH different circuit)?

BTW, for anyone that wants an earlier Bassman circuit, the 5E8a Tweed Twin circuit offered by Ceriatone is the exact same as the 5E6a ('58 Bassman). Originally, the only difference between the two amps was the output transformer and speaker arrangement. 
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