Ceriatone Forum

British Style => 18 Watt => Topic started by: riles on October 25, 2009, 10:58:26 AM

Title: alternative head + speaker hook up question
Post by: riles on October 25, 2009, 10:58:26 AM
righto, just pulled the trigger on an 18 watt head to go in a 2x12 combo shell that i have. 

my plan is to get one g12h speaker and one vintage 30.   my grand plan is (and i assume this is possible) to wire each speaker to its own jack so i can choose to have one or both speakers running.  is that cool?  this would give me access to the original intended speaker but also allow me to access a slightly different tone with the vintage 30 and more sounds again when played together.

if i were to get two 16 ohm speakers and not connect them together at all and just connect each to its own jack then would i leave the impedance selector on 16 when i plug each speaker into the two speak inputs?

Title: Re: alternative head + speaker hook up question
Post by: cmoore on October 25, 2009, 08:40:28 PM
So your amp has an impedance selector switch?   From looking at the schem on this website it did not show one.   Regardless, the jacks are wired parallel.  If you plug a 16 ohm load into each jack, you need to select 8 ohms.
Good Luck