Ceriatone Forum

Website, Store => Support => Topic started by: Shizdawg on October 23, 2023, 08:50:44 AM

Title: Help: Molecular 50 - I am a noob and need a little bit of hand-holding
Post by: Shizdawg on October 23, 2023, 08:50:44 AM
Hi All!

So I don't have any electronics experience other than building 2 pedals from pedalpcb, and yet I decided to attempt an amp build.

I've already learnt a lot, and the build has been really enjoyable so far (finished the 3 boards and hardware installation into the chassis). I'm now up to the wiring and I feel I am stuck.

Here are some images showing the problem I'm facing:

The diagram shows the input jacks wired up differently to the reference photos on Ceriatone's Flickr:

I'm not sure how I'm suppose to tackle this part. Does the green wire at A1 connect to the black wire? What do the circle symbols around wires mean? Is the bus bar grounded, and if not, why does the reference photo show the green input wire going to a ground?

One further question as well if that's cool; I have a 2V LED from Jaycar that I'm going to use in place of a pilot light:

Will this light work If I just connect a 330 ohm resistor between the F1 wire and the LED cathode? Will I need to also run an IN4148 in parallel with the LED to deal with reverse voltage?

I feel bad for constantly spamming Nik with email questions, so would it be cool if I post further questions and update images in this thread in the future?

Thanks for your time!