Ceriatone Forum

Website, Store => Support => Topic started by: fingolfen on June 29, 2021, 04:11:49 PM

Title: Centura Pedal Build - Can't Make it Work...
Post by: fingolfen on June 29, 2021, 04:11:49 PM
I'm not an electronics expert, I know some of the very basics and have done my own LED circuits for displays, etc. - in short just enough to get myself into trouble. I picked up a Centura kit (Klon Pedal Clone) - followed the wiring diagram, but nothing. I can't get it to turn on or do anything. I've gone back through all of the solder joints to make sure I don't have any cold joints. I've double and triple checked the wiring. Everything looks correct but it's still a brick.

How do I even begin to diagnose what is wrong with this thing? I'm sadly ready to chuck the whole thing and the money I've dropped into it.  ???  :(   :P